Monday, August 24, 2015

Welcome 2015-2016 School Year!

Your TEPSA Staff is ready for a new school year!
I miss the first day of school! When I left the principalship after 33 years in education for TEPSA, it was understood that there would be some moments when I greatly missed being in a school. But, does it have to happen every year? The adage that 'you don't know what you have until it's gone' must be true.
Today, you are in the midst of welcoming students to your school, making last minute schedule adjustments, meeting with parents and students and teachers, calming the fears of those youngest students, walking the halls, ignoring central office, monitoring classes and lunch, sending kids back home after a busy day, and meeting with your staff to see how the school day went. Whew! How can one miss that?
Today, you made a difference in the lives of children. That may sound trite, but it is absolutely true. How many of you met with parents to discuss a traumatic event one of you students experienced over the summer months? Kids in your school are experiencing family breakups, maybe one of their parents have died or been diagnosed with a terminal illness, maybe a parent has been incarcerated, one or both could be deployed by the military, even a child could have been diagnosed with a severe illness. You might have children who have moved from their childhood homes. You may have some who are refugees far from their native lands. And, some children have no particularly stressful situation but need a hug as well! There are so many ways in which you counsel and love children who need you most.
All of us at TEPSA are thinking of you this week and throughout the year. We hope and pray that your year is one in which you help the children, their parents, your faculty and staff reach their full potential...and that you reach yours as well.
We are anxious to hear how the start of your school year went. Let us know your stories.

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