Tuesday, August 11, 2015

"Make Time for Children."
2015-2016 President Eddie Damian's emphasis for the year, "Make Time for Children," seems most appropriate to elementary school leaders. Elementary principals and assistant principals are dedicated to making time for the children in their care. They also pay attention to the needs of parents and to the teachers and staff of the schools they lead. Many of you also are active in your place of worship and in the community in which you live.
I hope you also have an attitude of gratitude this year. I recently read an article that stated that people who are grateful live happier, healthier, longer lives. Makes sense doesn't it? Are you grateful for what you have in your life?
My list of gratitude includes:
  • My faith, as I feel that I am on this earth to make a difference. I gain strength through my faith.
  • My wife and children, even though they often received less than my best after days which were filled with me giving my all for children other than my own.
  • My career; how can there be a better career than that of elementary school principal? We truly touch lives each and everyday, at school and in the community.
  • The students in the schools in which I served. Doesn't it gladden your heart when former students, some who now have their own kids in your school, thank you for making a difference in their lives.
  • The parents whose children I have served; I know, there are a few who made things difficult, but most are wonderful people and many are lifelong friends.
  • My school district and community; think about what people throughout your school district and community feel toward you and you to them. I would wager that the positives far outweigh the negatives.
  • TEPSA and the many colleagues who I learn from, lean on, and now consider friends.
  • The staff at TEPSA! Working with these folks dedicated to making life better and easier for principals, assistant principals, supervisors and the children you serve has been very gratifying for me.
Take time to be grateful, you'll be healthier, less stressed and ready to "Make Time for Children."

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