Monday, May 23, 2016

May 24, 2016 is one of the most crucial run-off election dates in many years. This primary election finale will surely set the course for the next legislative session. The key will be, do we have a legislature that will be supportive of public education and the children we serve, or will we have politicians bent on bringing down public education so that schools become profit centers for investors? While TEPSA does not endorse candidates, we do encourage you, our members, to become active in voting, active in encouraging your staff and parents to vote, and conscientious in researching to find which candidates are committed to public schools, the system dedicated to providing schooling for over 90% of the children of Texas.

Tomorrow, please encourage your teachers to vote in your run-off elections. Cover lunch or recess, allow them carpool opportunities, and allow your staff to leave early to vote.

Here are some helpful links:

For information on pro-education Texas Parent PAC-vetted candidates go to

For ideas on how to encourage a culture of voting in your school and responses to questions regarding public education try

Still need information? Call me at the TEPSA office or email me: